March 16, 2004

Morgan: Cute Enough to Beat Bush

Women, men, and children across America are telling the Morgan campaign that it's time for a change. The Bush White House is unaccountable, irresponsible, and not cute enough. Bush and his advisors have shown America that the current administration can't solve the problems facing regular Americans, and they're also mostly old and wrinkly. Morgan is the candidate that can change all that. Morgan for President campaign chair Thelonius Flint said today, "Morgan's got the charm, the policy stances, and the voting history to bring a new vision to the capitol: one of peace, prosperity, and 'matoes for all." But the fight for a better, cuter tomorrow won't be easy.... The right-wing attack apparatus is already launching an offensive against this popular upstart, claiming he is too short. Your support of Morgan for President 2004 is critical now, more than ever.

On the issues

Morgan vs. Bush
If the election were held today, who would you vote for?