Paisley and Peter's Second Annual
Wedding Anniversary Regatta



Past WARs

Since we knew we would have a lot of out of town sailors at our Wedding, we thought it would be totally cool to have a regatta during the week to entertain them.

It was a lot of fun so we decided to do it again last year and yet again this year...

The first day of the regatta was perfect. Fluky light airs, but usually enough to play in. We got 10 races in, and the winner won the individual regatta races by 12 inches! The Paisley and Peter race was the best ever, with one skipper actually attempting the daggerboard first finish and another mounting a viscious pin attack on the couple themselves, from which they made an athletic escape.

We drank all the beer, ate half the brats and most of the wedding cake, and then removed to Irish Waters Inn, once several people dove into the two feet of water at the end of the pier.