Welcome to Paisley and Peter's 3rd Annual
Wedding Anniversary Regatta


2002 Results


Past WARs

Since we knew we would have a lot of out of town sailors at our Wedding, we thought it would be totally cool to have a regatta during the week to entertain them.

It was a lot of fun so we decided to do it again the year before last, last year, and yet again this year...

Our regatta has evolved into a combination fleet race/team race this year, just like last year.  For those of you who have already sailed in a WAR, we WILL still be doing the Paisley & Peter race.  For those of you who weren't, you will soon understand what that means!

The plan is to sail out of Paisley's parents' backyard - where we got married. There will be a great party Saturday night and plenty of beer and wedding cake.

Finally, for those of you who plan to arrive Friday night, there will be a "regatta orientation party" at the UW Memorial Union Terrace.

Please Join Us!